BACKВы, несомненно, будете счастливы, выбрав для свадьбы один из замков романтической Вероны или ее провинции!
Официальные и символические церемонии в средневековых замках проводятся круглый год, ведь город влюбленных остается красивым и привлекательным всегда!
Здесь Вы найдете богатое разнообразие достопримечательностей и памятников культуры, а главное - прекрасный отдых!
Вашим гостям понравится размещение в уютных и поистине королевских номерах замка и высокое качество обслуживания.
А хлопоты по организации и проведению Вашего незабываемого праздника мы возьмем на себя!
Базовый пакет символической церемонии в замке - от 1250 Евро.
Официальное бракосочетание - от 1780 Евро.
Аренда замка рассчитывается отдельно, в зависимости от количества гостей и общей концепции мероприятия.
- Booking of the date of marriage registration in the Municipality
- Presentation of documents to the Municipality
- Obtaining documents
- Consular fee for the receipt of documents
- Legalization in Prefecture
- Visit to the Municipality for signing the Declaration
- Administrative fees of Municipality and Prefecture
- Wedding program *
- Interpreter during the ceremony
- Coordinator of your wedding day *
- Legalization (apostille) of Marriage Certificate in Prefecture
- Sending documents to your country by express courier
GIFT - bouquet for bride, boutonniere for groom
The translation of the Marriage Certificate and its notarization can be done by the newlyweds themselves at their place of residence.The minimum period of stay in Italy for a wedding with civil / official marriage registration is 3-5 working days.* If the number of guests is less than 20, the duration of the coordination service is not more than 5 hours.Additional services are calculated separately based on wishes and requests.There are additional services:
- Provision of witnesses
- Flower decorations
- Photographer, video
- Hairdresser, make-up artist
- Stylist
- Music
- Retro car
- Horse, carriage
- Aperitif / brindisi / buffet
- Romantic dinner / banquet
- Accommodation
- Show, fireworks
- Excursions
- Transfer
- Shopping
- ::cck::611::/cck::
- Booking of the date of symbolic ceremony
- Wedding venue rental
- Wedding program development, wedding organization
- Ceremony master and coordinator
- Symbolic Wedding Certificate
- Background music MP3
GIFT - wedding bouquet, boutonniere.
Other services are calculated based on your wishes and requests.
::fulltext::::/fulltext::There are additional services:
- Wedding venue rental
- Flower decorations
- Photographer, video
- Hairdresser, make-up artist
- Stylist
- Music
- Retro car
- Horse, carriage
- Aperitif / brindisi / buffet
- Romantic dinner / banquet
- Accommodation
- Show, fireworks
- Excursions
- Transfer
- Shopping